Sana Khan recently embraced motherhood for the second time, sharing the joyful news of her baby boy with her fans on social media. The former actress announced her second pregnancy in November 2024, expressing her excitement about expanding her family. On January 5, 2025, she welcomed her little bundle of joy. Sharing the news on Instagram, she wrote, “We are overjoyed to share the beautiful news of the arrival of our little prince! Alhamdulillah for everything we have. Alhamdulillah for everything we had. It’s a Boy! Overflowing with joy, Big brother Tariq Jamil welcomes his baby brother! Born on 5th January 2025.”
Sana Khan reveals the name of second baby boy
The former actress announced this new via a text video. The message read “O Allah, All praises are due to you, along with your blessings and grace. Grant us the ability to raise him well, guide us to be kind and just toward him, and make him among your righteous servants. Dear loved one, with hearts full of gratitude, we humbly request your prayers for our baby boy. May Allah bless him with a life of health, happiness and barakah. We named our prince: Saiyad Hasan Jamil.”
Sana’s fans poured in love and prayers for the newborn in the comment section. One commented, “Congratulations again on the baby, Allahuma barik.” Another fan commented, “Mashallah boht pyara namm ha sana app,” and so on.
More about Sana Khan
Sana Khan married Islamic scholar Mufti Anas Saiyad on November 21, 2020, in a private ceremony in Surat. The couple was blessed with their first child, Saiyad Tariq Jamil, on July 5, 2023. With the arrival of her second son, Sana expressed her gratitude and joy, cherishing the new addition to their family.
In 2020, Sana announced her decision to step away from the entertainment industry following her marriage. Since then, she has focused on her personal life, dedicating herself to her family and spiritual growth. Reflecting on her journey, Sana continues to inspire many with her choice to prioritize her family over her career.